2x2 Challenge
Every year the Texas Library Association compiles a list of 20 books that are age-appropriate for children ages 2 through 2nd grade. At Taylor, students in Kindergarten can participate in the 2x2 challenge. Each time they read a book or listen to someone read them a book on the 2x2 list, they color in the title on the attached coloring sheet. When students read all 20 books, they will turn in their colored boot to me in the library, and I will take their picture for the wall of fame. Students will also receive a 2x2 Reader brag tag. We have one copy of all twenty 2x2 books in the Taylor library. As you can imagine, these books are very popular. Students may check out one 2x2 book at a time when the books are available. Davis library also has copies of the current 2x2 books available for checkout in the children’s section. Students have until Friday, April 6, 2018 to complete the 2x2 Challenge.
If you can't find your sheet please click below and print a new one.