Friday, September 30, 2016

2x2 Fun with Tupera Tupera's Polar Bear's Underwear

This lovable story sends the kids into giggles as they help Polar Bear find his "missing" underwear. As they go on a quest with Polar Bear and mouse to find the underwear, that he's actually been wearing the whole time, they meet many animals with different types of underwear.

After reading this fun, 2x2 story with K-2; students set to designing underwear that Polar Bear is sure not to forget he's wearing! They did a fantastic job, and had so much fun with their designs!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

International Dot Day!

International Dot Day is celebrated on September, 15th. The story, The Dot by Peter Reynolds, is the inspiration for this fabulous, fun day. The Dot is a story about a little girl who doesn't have much confidence in her art abilities...until one day when her art teacher tells her to start by just making a mark. The next day, her dot is in a fancy, swirly frame displayed in the classroom! After that, she tries to make the best dot ever!! This even includes an entire DOT art exhibit! When another student looks at her work with envy, guess what she does for him?! This beautiful story is about encouraging others to be the best they can be!  

Kindergarten and first grade friends are making their mark by creating unique bookmarks with dots and other shapes.

Second and third grade friends are making their mark by creating their own dots and then making them 3-D with the QuiverVision app. It's so awesome, and the kids are loving it!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

International Literacy Day

September 8, 2016 was the 50th annual International Literacy Day.  On this special day, we promote the importance of education and literacy (the ability to read and write) around the world. To celebrate the day we encouraged Taylor Readers to take time to read a book by themselves, to a friend, a family member, or even to their pet or stuffed animal! Below is a video of some students and staff who were caught reading!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Fast and Furious

The first three weeks have been fast and furious in the Taylor library! We started off the first week with all the classes visiting the library, except Kindergarten. Those sweet kiddos need a week to adjust to school life.

First and second grade enjoyed their first 2x2 book There's a Lion in My Cornflakes to start off their boot coloring. They also received a review of the library, including how to use shelf markers, and a reminder of how to treat their library books from Mr. Wiggles!

Third, fourth, and fifth grades all received a library orientation and a Bluebonnet Book Talk. Their second visit they had lots of fun checking out new books and playing Kahoot! to review information about the library. It was very competitive and so much fun!